Flipped learning-based pattern with scaffolding
The flipped learning-based pattern with scaffolding has the goal to guide flexible, digital, and inclusive education. This result includes: 2 open resources, a Handbook for inclusive education in flipped learning, 2 academic papers (pedagogical and pilot’s results) and 6 workshops on pilot’s results.
→ FLeD Patterns:
- Key decisions for an effective flipped classroom [EN] [ES]
- Self-regulation and prior preparation in online flipped classrooms [EN] [ES]
- Team regulation and management in blended flipped classrooms [EN] [ES]
- Exchange of constructive feedback in face-to-face flipped classroom [EN] [ES]
- Glossary for FLeD patterns [EN] [ES]
→ Scaffolding [EN]
→ Handbook for Inclusiveness [EN]
→ Empowering Education: The FLeD Project’s Pursuit of Open Educational Resources:
→ Conceptual framework for flexible learning design:
→ 2 Academic Papers
→ 6 Workshops on Pilots’ Results:
Playful co-design experience for teachers
This result is a playful and collaborative learning design experience through a digital tool for decision-making. We include an open resource with the playful co-design experience for teachers’ interaction with the pattern and scaffolding.
FLeD digital tool
This result includes the FLeD digital tool developed for designing and storing flexible learning scenarios and 1 academic paper on the FLeD tool for flipped learning design.
→ FLeD Digital Tool:
→ Academic paper on the FLeD Tool for FL design: Albó, L., Noguera, I., Hernández-Leo, D., Afonso, A., Agostini, D., Alkhasawneh, S.N. (2024). FLeD Learning Design Tool: Scaffolding Flexible Scenarios Through the Use of Flipped Learning Patterns. In: Ferreira Mello, R., Rummel, N., Jivet, I., Pishtari, G., Ruipérez Valiente, J.A. (eds) Technology Enhanced Learning for Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education. EC-TEL 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15160. Springer, Cham. [Best demo award]
Handbook for the design of effective flipped learning scenarios
This result includes a
→ Handbook to sustain the practice and theory of effective and inclusive flipped learning for flexible education.
→ Academic paper on principles for the design of effective flipped learning scenarios.
Playful teacher training pathway
This result consists of a playful teacher training pathway to guide the design of flipped learning scenarios, with the idea of creating a network of knowledgeable people on flexible learning. The training pathway will be a self-paced virtual training, including a toolkit to support teachers in following the pathway, and 1 academic paper on teachers’ training.
→ Self-paced virtual training
→ Toolkit to support teachers in following the pathway
→ Academic paper on teachers’ training.
Additional Results
These are the additional results of our project.
→ “Better If” Handbook: