In this page, we share the tangible products of our project. There are five general project results, and in each of the sections below, there is access to different deliverables that we have worked on for each category. The project results, the FLeD tool, and training will be launched in our final Multiplier event.


Flipped learning-based pattern with scaffolding


The flipped learning-based pattern with scaffolding has the goal to guide flexible, digital, and inclusive education. This result includes: 2 open resources, a Handbook for inclusive education in flipped learning, 2 academic papers (pedagogical and pilot’s results) and 6 workshops on pilot’s results.

→ FLeD Patterns:

  • Key decisions for an effective flipped classroom [EN] [ES]
  • Self-regulation and prior preparation in online flipped classrooms [EN] [ES]
  • Team regulation and management in blended flipped classrooms [EN] [ES]
  • Exchange of constructive feedback in face-to-face flipped classroom [EN] [ES]
  • Glossary for FLeD patterns [EN] [ES]

→ Scaffolding [EN

→ Handbook for Inclusiveness [EN]

→ Empowering Education: The FLeD Project’s Pursuit of Open Educational Resources: 

→ Conceptual framework for flexible learning design:

→ 2 Academic Papers

→ 6 Workshops on Pilots’ Results:


Playful co-design experience for teachers


This result is a playful and collaborative learning design experience through a digital tool for decision-making. We include an open resource with the playful co-design experience for teachers’ interaction with the pattern and scaffolding.



FLeD digital tool


This result includes the FLeD digital tool developed for designing and storing flexible learning scenarios and 1 academic paper on the FLeD tool for flipped learning design.

→ FLeD Digital Tool:

→ Academic paper on the FLeD Tool for FL design: Albó, L., Noguera, I., Hernández-Leo, D., Afonso, A., Agostini, D., Alkhasawneh, S.N. (2024). FLeD Learning Design Tool: Scaffolding Flexible Scenarios Through the Use of Flipped Learning Patterns. In: Ferreira Mello, R., Rummel, N., Jivet, I., Pishtari, G., Ruipérez Valiente, J.A. (eds) Technology Enhanced Learning for Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education. EC-TEL 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15160. Springer, Cham. [Best demo award]



Handbook for the design of effective flipped learning scenarios


This result includes a

→ Handbook to sustain the practice and theory of effective and inclusive flipped learning for flexible education.

→ Academic paper on principles for the design of effective flipped learning scenarios.



Playful teacher training pathway


This result consists of a playful teacher training pathway to guide the design of flipped learning scenarios, with the idea of creating a network of knowledgeable people on flexible learning. The training pathway will be a self-paced virtual training, including a toolkit to support teachers in following the pathway, and 1 academic paper on teachers’ training.


Self-paced virtual training

Toolkit to support teachers in following the pathway

Academic paper on teachers’ training.


Additional Results


These are the additional results of our project.

→ “Better If” Handbook: